Property owners are expected to keep their premises reasonably safe. While especially true for business owners, this also applies to private and public property. If you were injured while on the property of another person or a business, you could be entitled to compensation for those injuries.
An experienced Las Vegas premises liability lawyer can provide an analysis of your case and help you seek compensation. Our skilled attorneys at LVNV Legal | Injury Law Firm are experienced in handling unsafe property cases and could provide essential legal guidance.
For you to be successful in a claim against a negligent property owner, certain elements of premises liability must be proven. This includes proving that the defendant owned the property, that a dangerous condition was present on the property, that defendant knew or should have known about the dangerous condition, and that the hazard directly caused you injury. Other nuances may also need proven in individual circumstances.
Hazards on a property that can create a dangerous condition vary greatly, but often include:
Many other hazards may also be grounds for a property hazard lawsuit. Our local lawyers at LVNV Legal can review your premises liability case to determine your potential available recovery.
Most unsafe property cases fall within the standard personal injury limitations period of two years from the date the injury occurred. Nevada Revised Statutes § 11.190 requires most premises liability cases be filed within this time limit, otherwise you could be time barred. Exceptions may exist, but it is critical to approach a qualified attorney in Las Vegas as soon as possible after an accident on someone else’s property.
State law sets different duties of care owed by a property owner depending on the legal status of the plaintiff at the time they were on the defendant’s property. Your visitor status at the time of your accident can significantly impact your ability to recover compensation for your losses. A Las Vegas attorney could determine what type of visitor you were and how this could impact your premises liability case.
An invitee is a person who is visiting a premise for the benefit of the property owner. These are commonly patrons at stores or restaurants. These types of guests are owed the highest duty of care.
Property owners are expected to actively inspect for hazards and work swiftly to correct them when present. There is also a requirement by law to conduct regular safety inspections and warn of any known dangers.
A licensee is an individual who comes onto the property for the benefit of themselves or the joint benefit of the parties. These most commonly include social guests, such as when a friend comes to a person’s home to visit. No regular inspections are required, but warnings of known dangers are.
A trespasser is on the property of another without the expressed or implied permission of the owner. These visitors are owed the least amount of protection as property owners are only expected to not intentionally harm trespassers, such as with traps.
An injury on another’s property could be compensable through a premises liability lawsuit. However, holding a property owner liable for their negligence can be difficult without legal guidance. Contact an experienced Las Vegas premises liability lawyer at LVNV Legal | Injury Law Firm to get started.